Anyway. This last Friday I was looking for something to whip together, and I pulled this sucker out. It's spandex. Knit. How hard could it be? So what if the pattern was labeled 'plus dificile' and 'advanced' it would be a cinch.
Um. Spandex might be cinching my waist but that's the only cinching going on here. So that's what I've been doing non-stop, well, as non-stop as every day existence will let me.
This is the pattern picture:
Cute, right? Yes, right! And she looks so elegant and demure and AUDREY FREAKING HEPBURN I could just die.
And here's me:
So nothing about divinity, but Turkish Delight! I am going to make some. It is going to be delightful and probably nothing like the kind you could get in Turkey, you know, munching as you stroll towards the Hagia Sophia, which we all do every other weekend at least.
And... this is my monochromatic outfit because it's actually a shirt and skirt, which you'd never know because who knows what is going on with this thing? Seriously, hardest thing I've ever put together. It made no sense at all logically, so I had to let go of logic and use Daisy, my body form to pin seams together so they wouldn't get twisted without me realizing. Oh, the mental anguish.
Anyway. This works really well with my perfectly perfect boots, which is kind of sad because I found some jaw droppingly gorgeous shoes at 6p.m. that needed me until I found my shoes in my very own closet. Two pairs of burgundy shoes. Still. I obviously need more.