Friday, May 13, 2011

boxed love

Dog ears? Very soft. Not so soft in paper. Along with my shipment I received an anonymous gift, a book called... never mind what it's called. I flipped through it, curious why my printer would include something as random as a fiction book with one of those white blurb boxes on the back. The best worst line went: Her bad feeling senses were tingling. Unless it was: He was slowly but surely erasing her perfectly drawn picture of herself so that he could dip his hands into outrageous colors and sling them onto the canvas. Or this: The first press of their lips wasn't what we expected. No, the last is a tense change and doesn't qualify for particularly noticeable badness. I'm going with the second one. Oh, the acknowledgements were fun: Back in May, I hadn't planned on publishing a book, let alone writing one- This is probably the general breakdown of this story's problem. I am rather new at this whole publishing thing, but I think it might be a good idea to plan on writing a book, before you plan to publish one. Otherwise, you're so rushed to publish, you might simply have a book full of words instead of a story. Hmmm. A warning to all of us...

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