Thursday, November 3, 2011

Theatrical Thursdays: Monte Carlo

No, there isn't drinking, gambling, or anything else you'd expect from a movie of that title, although you do see the crazy road that turns on top of itself made famous by James Bond. What was that movie? Anyway, I personally liked it. Lots. Okay, it's girly, and sweet, and mostly about how fun it is to play dress up. What's not to love? It reminded me of one of those old Marilyn Monroe movies, how to marry a millionaire, or something with Doris Day. Running around, mistaken identities, handsome young men, that kind of thing. And the clothes were really fun. I liked the main girl, what is her name, Selena Gomez? Maybe. Anyway, she's a nice actor, managed to portray two different people wonderfully well. I liked the crazy aunt, the waitress, the screaming, it was all very nicely balance between different points of view and stuff. I got it while my DH was going to be off with his gaming dudes but they cancelled so he watched with me. He said it wasn't nearly as bad as he expected. Well, there you go:)

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